Helicon focus object examples
Helicon focus object examples

helicon focus object examples

Take another picture then refocus closer, and so on. Then focus on the farthest point and work backward. I suggest that, after turning your auto focus off, you focus on the nearest subject, noticing the distance indicated on the lens barrel. Step Two: With your camera solidly mounted on a tripod, take multiple pictures, focusing progressively from the far away to the close by. Depth of field has to do with circles of confusion, the technical term for what viewers accept as slightly blurred but apparently in focus. The traditional technique of stopping down to f/16 or beyond and using the hyperfocal distance will render a scene reasonably sharp, creating a seemingly large depth of field. But Helicon Soft’s program will produce much sharper results.

helicon focus object examples

If a scene includes one object occupying a vertical plane near the camera and others in vertical planes great distances away, extremely small apertures are an often-employed solution. In fact, Helicon Focus allows photographers to capture images impossible even with huge view cameras. Imagine kneeling down before a mountain lake, keeping foreground flowers and background mountains all in focus without tilting lenses. Even landscapes can benefit from extreme depth of field. But don’t just limit yourself to small subjects. Who hasn’t taken a close-up of a flower and wished to have everything from the tip of the anther to the last dew-dropped petal in focus? Now you can. You might immediately think of micro and macro subjects, where depth of field is always minimal. Step One: Find a subject that can be enhanced with an extensive depth of field.

Helicon focus object examples